Faculty | Contact |
Shorna Allred Susan R. Wolf Distinguished Professor Office: Carolina Hall 219 shorna@unc.edu Environmental justice, conservation social science, conservation and land-use decision-making, global sustainability, community resilience, Southeast Asia and U.S. South |
Javier Arce-Nazario Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 326 (919) 445-4844 jarce@email.unc.edu Landscape history, GIS-remote sensing, translational geoscience, critical physical geography, water and sustainability. |
Paul L. Delamater Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 217 (919)962-3922 (phone) pld@email.unc.edu Health and medical geography, access to health care, health care policy, spatial analysis, GIS. |
Amanda Gay DelVecchia Assistant Professor, Voit Gilmore Fellow Office: Carolina Hall 225 adelvecc@ad.unc.edu Freshwater ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, physical geography |
Adrian Drummond-Cole Teaching Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 224 adriandc@unc.edu Critical geography, political economy, environmental justice, water, agriculture, environmental history, science and technology studies, American studies |
Michael Emch W.R. Kenan Jr., Distinguished Professor Office: Carolina Hall 304 (919)843-1010 (phone) emch@email.unc.edu Medical geography, spatial epidemiology, health & environment, GIS |
Chris Fuhrmann Research Associate Professor and Deputy Director, SERCC Office: 202 Albert & Gladys Coates Building (919) 843-2704 (phone) fuhrman1@email.unc.edu Applied climatology, synoptic climatology, service climatology, biometeorology, climate variability and change |
Clark Gray Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Office: Carolina Hall 308 (919) 962-3876 (phone) cgray@email.unc.edu Population, environment and development; survey and statistical methods |
Banu Gökarıksel Professor, Chair of the Curriculum in Global Studies Office: Carolina Hall 307 and 2003 Global Education Center (919) 843-5835 (phone) banug@email.unc.edu Feminist, political, cultural geography; feminist geopolitics; embodied and intimate politics of difference; religion, piety, and gender; borders, refugees, and migration; Turkey, the Middle East, and Europe. |
Elizabeth Havice Professor, Bowman & Gordon Gray Term Professor and Associate Chair Office: Carolina Hall 324 (919) 962-3414 (phone) havice@email.unc.edu Political economy, political ecology, international development, commodity studies, agrarian studies, environmental politics, natural resources, property, corporate power, science studies |
Scott Kirsch Professor Office: Carolina Hall 306 (919) 962-3874 (phone) kirsch@email.unc.edu Historical, cultural, & political geography; history of science; social theory |
Chip Konrad Professor and Director, SERCC Office: Carolina Hall 305 (919) 962-3873 (phone) cek@email.unc.edu Climatology, climate change, meteorology |
Christian Lentz Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 319A (919) 843-7359 (phone) cclentz@email.unc.edu Development, state formation, nationalism, nature-society relations, agrarian studies, Southeast Asia |
Jun Liang Teaching Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 218 (919) 962-3872 (phone) liangj@email.unc.edu GIS, Programming, Cartography, Urban Modeling, Remote Sensing |
Nina Martin Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 224 (919) 962-3916 (phone) ninam@email.unc.edu Urban geography, global cities, civil society, migration, labor markets and economic development |
Ruth Matamoros Mercado Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 319B mmercado@unc.edu Indigenous Geographies, land relations and Law, Indigenous research methodologies, and Central America |
Aaron Moody Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Office: Carolina Hall 211 (919) 962-5303 (phone) aaronm@email.unc.edu Conservation, Landscape Ecology, Biogeography, Remote Sensing, GIS |
Elizabeth Ann Olson Professor Office: Carolina Hall 317 (919) 962-3921 (phone) eaolson@email.unc.edu Youth and feminist geographies, critical health geography, moral geography and care ethics, participatory methodology. |
David Parr Teaching Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 310 daveparr@unc.edu GIS and Geographic Education; Volunteered Geographic Information; and Space-Time Modeling |
Danielle Purifoy Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 309 danielle.purifoy@unc.edu Black geographies, Environmental Justice, Uneven Development, U.S. South |
John Pickles Daniel W Patterson Distinguished Professor of International Studies and Geography Office: Carolina Hall 219 (919) 962-3919 (phone) jpickles@unc.edu Globalization, economic geography, regional development, post-socialism, social and cultural theory, counter-cartographies |
Diego Riveros-Iregui Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Professor Office: Carolina Hall 327 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919) 962-6814 (phone) diegori@unc.edu Ecohydrology, watershed hydrology, biogeochemistry, critical zone, land-atmosphere interactions, tropical hydrology, climate and land use/land cover change |
Chérie Rivers Associate Professor Office: Carolina Hall 319C ndaliko@unc.edu Black geographies; decolonial praxes; indigeneity and sustainable farming; Black Atlantic world. |
Sara Smith Professor Office: Carolina Hall 222 (919) 962-3875 (phone) shsmith1@email.unc.edu Political, cultural, and feminist geography; intimacy, territory, and bodies; health politics; geopolitical subject formation; Ladakh; Jammu and Kashmir; South Asia |
Conghe Song Professor and Chair Office: Carolina Hall 206 (919) 843-4764 (phone) csong@email.unc.edu Remote sensing, ecological modeling, forestry, human-environment interaction, land-cover/land-use change and climate change impacts on ecosystem functions, and GIS |
Paul J. Taillie Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 223 ptaillie@unc.edu Wildlife conservation, vertebrate community ecology, global change, and remote sensing |
Gabriela Valdivia Professor and the Class of 1989/William C. Friday Distinguished Professor Office: Carolina Hall 315 919-962-3871 (phone) valdivia@email.unc.edu Latin America; environment, identity and governance; critical resource geography; political ecology |
Stephen Walsh
Research Professor |
Erika Wise Professor Office: Carolina Hall 325 (919) 843-4762 (phone) ekwise@email.unc.edu Climatology, dendrochronology, water resources |
QI Zhang Research Assistant Professor Office: Carolina Hall 310 qz@unc.edu Human-environment geography, land use change, labor migration, forest policy, rural livelihoods, agent-based modeling |