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Faculty Contact
birdsall Stephen Birdsall
Professor Emeritus
Office: Carolina Hall 223
(919) 962-3918 (phone)
Social, landscapes & values, North America
florin John Florin
Associate Professor Emeritus
Office: Carolina Hall 223
(919) 962-3918 (phone)
Population, historical anglo-America, medical
wil Wil Gesler
Research Professor Emeritus
Cumbria, England
Health geography, place and health
robinson Peter Robinson
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus faculty can be contacted through the Geography Department office: 919-962-8901
Meteorology, Climatology
walsh Stephen Walsh
Lyle V. Jones Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Human-Environment Interactions, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Simulation Models
whitmore Thomas Whitmore
Associate Professor Emeritus
Emeritus faculty can be contacted through the Geography Department office: 919-962-8901
Cultural ecology, Latin America, population