Graduate Students
Below is a directory of current graduate students in the Geography Department.
Student | Contact |
Betül Aykaç B.A., Marmara University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill Feminist political geography, agrarian studies, food justice, autonomy, resistance |
Lauren Babinetz B.A., the George Washington Univ. Spatial analysis, extreme weather, human health impacts, geographies of crime |
James Bryan B.A., M.A., University of Delaware Black, historical, and political geographies, U.S. South, labor markets |
Julia Cardwell B.A, Davidson College Social vulnerability, extreme weather, climate change, land-use planning, GIS |
Tara Di Cassio B.A., North Carolina State University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill Political geography, social movements, youth political practice, art activism, the Middle East |
Shannon Chambers B.S., B.A., Salisbury Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Political ecology, political economy, land tenure, agrarian studies, aquaculture, Indonesia |
Harrison Currin B.S., Elon University; M.S., Georgia Southern University Conservation, climate change, habitat mapping, remote sensing |
Liv Davis B.A, Indiana University Bloomington Extreme weather hazards, resilience, social vulnerability, climate change |
Leiha Edmonds B.A., American University; M.U.P.P., University of Illinois at Chicago Aging in cities, care work, feminist everyday geographies, spatialized structural inequities, multi-method and participatory methodologies |
Annie Elledge B.A., The University of Texas at Austin Feminist geography, political geography, gender, care, labor, development |
Georgina Lily Gemayel A.S. Bunker Hill Community College; B.S. University of Southern California Human-environmental interactions, environmental & climate migration, livelihoods, vulnerability, Middle East & North Africa. |
Sara Aregai Ghebremicael B.S University of San Diego Climate change, food security, migration, population, survey and statistical methods. |
Ben Gilvar-Parke B.A. Oberlin College Energy transition, political economy, political ecology, environmental contention, left governance. |
Sophia Graybill B.A., M.Sc. Clark University Climate displacement, human-environment interactions, GIS, livelihoods, community-based research. |
Adrienne Hall B.S., University of Southern California; MPH, San Francisco State University Critical public health, Black Geographies, digital humanities |
Lindsey Jackson BA- UC Santa Cruz; MA- Columbia University Climate change, food security, extreme weather, sustainable agriculture |
Bikesh Jojiju B.S., Tribhuvan University Land use/Land cover change, Vegetation dynamics, Hydrology, Climate Change |
Carl Jurkowski B.S., California University of Pennsylvania; M.S., Idaho State University Dendroclimatology, paleoclimate, water resources, historical climatology |
Michelle Lanier B.A. English, Spelman College;M.A. Folklore, UNC-Chapel Hill Womanist cartography and the folklore of AfroCarolina. Black South geographies, Afro-futures, and the restorative journey. Ethnopoetics and experimental counter-mapping. |
Yu-Hsiu Lien B.S., M.S., National Taiwan University Political geography, territory, border, marine resource, fishery, East Asia. |
Andreina Malki B.A., Furman University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill Legal geography, territory, sovereignty, corporate power, Latin America |
Klaus Mayr B.A. UNC-Chapel Hill Critical pedagogy, land and data sovereignty, environmental justice, legal geography, political ecology |
Caitilin McMillan BA,Queen’s University;MSc,University of Oxford, UK Political geography, migration, belonging, contested space, the dynamics of care in humanitarian work, gender and peacebuilding. |
Ingrid Diaz Moreno BA, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana;MA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Political ecology, development studies, gender, labor, Latin America |
Fowota Mortoo B.A., UNC Chapel Hill Black geographies, Land-based pedagogies, Mapmaking |
Natalia Mushegian B.S, University of California, Berkeley Land use/land use change, causal inference, forest carbon, carbon governance |
Sophia Nissler B.A. Davidson College, M.A. UNC-Chapel Hill Feminist geography and geopolitics, labor migration, climate migration, and the feminization and racialization of migration |
Kingsley Oppong Diploma in Nursing, Nursing & Midwifery College; B.A., Geography; Univ. of Cape Coast; M.S. Geography; Univ. of New Mexico Black Geographies, Health Geography, Climate Change, Nature, Race and Environment |
Andrew Robinson B.S., UNC Charlotte; M.S., UNC Charlotte Climate change, extreme heat forecasting & impacts, wet bulb globe temperature, urban climate, climate & heat policy. |
Sophia Ryan B.A., Univ. of Vermont; M.A., Appalachian State Univ. Health geography, community health, mental health, maternal health, climate change and health, compound climate events and health. |
Rebecca Patterson-Markowitz B.A., M.A., University of Arizona Feminist geographies, ontologies of the body, trauma, geographies of healing, the ethics and politics of care. |
Nguyen Tien Anh Quach B.S., Troy University; M.S., Towson University Freshwater ecology, aquatic biogeochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, greenhouse gas emissions, food web ecology |
Kayla Roulhac B.A., M.S., Univ. of Tennessee Black, feminist, and urban geographies; tourism, memory, and the U.S. South |
Hilary Sandborn B.S. University of Maryland Health geography, disease ecology, infectious disease, GIS, social vulnerability |
Ina Shkurti B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst Critical cartographies, GIS-remote sensing, political ecology, Amazonia, Indigenous politics in Latin America |
Prabisha Shrestha B.S., Asian University for Women; M.S., SIU-Carbondale Critical physical geography, energy poverty and public health, gender, GIS |
Cyrus Sinai B.A. University of California, Los Angeles Health geography; spatial epidemiology; infectious diseases; energy poverty and health in sub-Saharan Africa; disease surveillance in remote, resource-limited settings. |
Pern Supranee MA Environmental Security and Governance, Univ. for Peace, Costa Rica Marine Protected and Conserved Areas, Marine resource governance, co-management, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, community based management. |
Victoria Ting B.A., CSU, Sacramento Queer geography, LGBTQ+ issues, Feminist geography, Political geography |
Sarah Ulrich B.A. UNC-Chapel Hill; M.A. Appalachian State University climate change; spatial methods; GIS; health outcomes; environmental justice |
Narmada Venkateswaran B.S., M.P.H., Univ. of Minnesota- Twin Cities Health geography, infectious disease ecology, One Health, social networks |
Kriddie Whitmore B. S., Guilford College, NC ; M.S., Virginia Tech Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen, Aquatic ecology, Urban systems, Field research, In-situ sensors. |
Bryttani Wooten B.S., The Pennsylvania State Univ. black geographies, health geographies, critical public health, climate change |