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Below is a directory of current graduate students in the Geography Department.

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Aykac Betül Aykaç
B.A., Marmara University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill
Feminist political geography, agrarian studies, food justice, autonomy, resistance
Lauren Lauren Babinetz
B.A., the George Washington Univ.
Spatial analysis, extreme weather, human health impacts, geographies of crime
james James Bryan
B.A., M.A., University of Delaware
Black, historical, and political geographies, U.S. South, labor markets
julia Julia Cardwell
B.A, Davidson College
Social vulnerability, extreme weather, climate change, land-use planning, GIS
Tara Tara Di Cassio
B.A., North Carolina State University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill
Political geography, social movements, youth political practice, art activism, the Middle East
Shannon Shannon Chambers
B.S., B.A., Salisbury Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Political ecology, political economy, land tenure, agrarian studies, aquaculture, Indonesia
currin Harrison Currin
B.S., Elon University; M.S., Georgia Southern University
Conservation, climate change, habitat mapping, remote sensing
liv Liv Davis
B.A, Indiana University Bloomington
Extreme weather hazards, resilience, social vulnerability, climate change
Leiha Leiha Edmonds
B.A., American University; M.U.P.P., University of Illinois at Chicago
Aging in cities, care work, feminist everyday geographies, spatialized structural inequities, multi-method and participatory methodologies
annie Annie Elledge
B.A., The University of Texas at Austin
Feminist geography, political geography, gender, care, labor, development
Faulkner Georgina Lily Gemayel
A.S. Bunker Hill Community College; B.S. University of Southern California
Human-environmental interactions, environmental & climate migration, livelihoods, vulnerability, Middle East & North Africa.
Sara Sara Aregai Ghebremicael
B.S University of San Diego
Climate change, food security, migration, population, survey and statistical methods.
ben Ben Gilvar-Parke
B.A. Oberlin College
Energy transition, political economy, political ecology, environmental contention, left governance.
Sophia Sophia Graybill
B.A., M.Sc. Clark University
Climate displacement, human-environment interactions, GIS, livelihoods, community-based research.
Hall Adrienne Hall
B.S., University of Southern California; MPH, San Francisco State University
Critical public health, Black Geographies, digital humanities
jackson Lindsey Jackson
BA- UC Santa Cruz; MA- Columbia University
Climate change, food security, extreme weather, sustainable agriculture
bikesh Bikesh Jojiju
B.S., Tribhuvan University
Land use/Land cover change, Vegetation dynamics, Hydrology, Climate Change
carl Carl Jurkowski
B.S., California University of Pennsylvania; M.S., Idaho State University
Dendroclimatology, paleoclimate, water resources, historical climatology
lanier Michelle Lanier
B.A. English, Spelman College;M.A. Folklore, UNC-Chapel Hill
Womanist cartography and the folklore of AfroCarolina. Black South geographies, Afro-futures, and the restorative journey. Ethnopoetics and experimental counter-mapping.
lien Yu-Hsiu Lien
B.S., M.S., National Taiwan University
Political geography, territory, border, marine resource, fishery, East Asia.
Malki Andreina Malki
B.A., Furman University; M.A., UNC-Chapel Hill
Legal geography, territory, sovereignty, corporate power, Latin America
Klaus Klaus Mayr
B.A. UNC-Chapel Hill
Critical pedagogy, land and data sovereignty, environmental justice, legal geography, political ecology
cait Caitilin McMillan
BA,Queen’s University;MSc,University of Oxford, UK
Political geography, migration, belonging, contested space, the dynamics of care in humanitarian work, gender and peacebuilding.
ingrid Ingrid Diaz Moreno
BA, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana;MA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Political ecology, development studies, gender, labor, Latin America
fowota Fowota Mortoo
B.A., UNC Chapel Hill
Black geographies, Land-based pedagogies, Mapmaking
natalia Natalia Mushegian
B.S, University of California, Berkeley
Land use/land use change, causal inference, forest carbon, carbon governance
natalia Sophia Nissler
B.A. Davidson College, M.A. UNC-Chapel Hill
Feminist geography and geopolitics, labor migration, climate migration, and the feminization and racialization of migration
kingsly Kingsley Oppong
Diploma in Nursing, Nursing & Midwifery College; B.A., Geography; Univ. of Cape Coast; M.S. Geography; Univ. of New Mexico
Black Geographies, Health Geography, Climate Change, Nature, Race and Environment
padley Andrew Robinson
B.S., UNC Charlotte; M.S., UNC Charlotte
Climate change, extreme heat forecasting & impacts, wet bulb globe temperature, urban climate, climate & heat policy.
Sophia Sophia Ryan
B.A., Univ. of Vermont; M.A., Appalachian State Univ.
Health geography, community health, mental health, maternal health, climate change and health, compound climate events and health.
becky Rebecca Patterson-Markowitz
B.A., M.A., University of Arizona
Feminist geographies, ontologies of the body, trauma, geographies of healing, the ethics and politics of care.
Quach Nguyen Tien Anh Quach
B.S., Troy University; M.S., Towson University
Freshwater ecology, aquatic biogeochemistry, benthic macroinvertebrates, greenhouse gas emissions, food web ecology
kayla Kayla Roulhac
B.A., M.S., Univ. of Tennessee
Black, feminist, and urban geographies; tourism, memory, and the U.S. South
sandborn Hilary Sandborn
B.S. University of Maryland
Health geography, disease ecology, infectious disease, GIS, social vulnerability
Ina Ina Shkurti
B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Critical cartographies, GIS-remote sensing, political ecology, Amazonia, Indigenous politics in Latin America
Prabisha Prabisha Shrestha
B.S., Asian University for Women; M.S., SIU-Carbondale
Critical physical geography, energy poverty and public health, gender, GIS
carlos Cyrus Sinai
B.A. University of California, Los Angeles
Health geography; spatial epidemiology; infectious diseases; energy poverty and health in sub-Saharan Africa; disease surveillance in remote, resource-limited settings.
pern Pern Supranee
MA Environmental Security and Governance, Univ. for Peace, Costa Rica
Marine Protected and Conserved Areas, Marine resource governance, co-management, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, community based management.
ting Victoria Ting
B.A., CSU, Sacramento
Queer geography, LGBTQ+ issues, Feminist geography, Political geography
sarah Sarah Ulrich
B.A. UNC-Chapel Hill; M.A. Appalachian State University
climate change; spatial methods; GIS; health outcomes; environmental justice
Narmada Narmada Venkateswaran
B.S., M.P.H., Univ. of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Health geography, infectious disease ecology, One Health, social networks
whitmore Kriddie Whitmore
B. S., Guilford College, NC ; M.S., Virginia Tech
Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen, Aquatic ecology, Urban systems, Field research, In-situ sensors.
wooten Bryttani Wooten
B.S., The Pennsylvania State Univ.
black geographies, health geographies, critical public health, climate change