Wright awarded Ford Foundation fellowship
Willie Wright has been awarded a 3-year pre-doctoral fellowship from the Ford Foundation to build on his work with Black farmers in Eastern North Carolina.
Willie Wright has been awarded a 3-year pre-doctoral fellowship from the Ford Foundation to build on his work with Black farmers in Eastern North Carolina.
Gaby Valdivia who was just awarded an NSF grant (2013-2015) for a collaborative proposal entitled “Collaborative Proposal: The Impact of Oil Extraction, Regulatory Policy, and Environmental Practice on Native Amazon and Afro-Ecuadorian Communities.” The award is through the Cultural Anthropology division. … Read more
Nina Martin who has been selected as the next CURS Scholar-in-Residence.
Qi Zhang who has been awarded a Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship for Summer 2013.
Jon Duncan was awarded the first Keohane Professional Graduate Student Award. Below is a description of the award, and why Jon was selected. Nan Keohane was Duke’s eighth president (1993 to 2004). She and former UNC Chancellor James Moeser worked … Read more
UNC-Chapel Hill, in partnership with Duke University, will host the conference “ReOrienting the Veil” Feb. 22-23 in the Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the FedEx Global Education Center. For further details see, http://www.unc.edu/campus-updates/muslim-veil-conference/ The conference website is: http://veil.unc.edu/conference/
In August, Associate Professor Betsy Olson joined the Department of Geography from the University of Edinburgh. Her research and teaching focus on development, religion, and inequality, with a particular emphasis on the geographies of youth.
Professor Pickles was an invited speaker at the special session on the” IGU Initiative on a UN International Year of Global Understanding” at the 32nd International Geographical Union Conference in Cologne, August 26-30th, 2012. For more information on the initiative see: … Read more
Progressive places and progressive movements in the South. Throughout the South, despite its largely conservative reputation, pockets exist at various scales where progressive ideas, people, activities challenge that dominant image and political narrative. Rebecca Dobbs is organizing a session at SEDAAG … Read more