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(Fall 2023 Schedule PDF Download link – Updated on July 14, 2023. For most updated schedule, please use the following table.)


Course Name of Course Time DAY INSTR
GEOG 52 FYS Political Ecology of Disease 11:00-12:15 TR Emch
GEOG 56 FYS Local/Global World 10:10-11:00am MWF Matamoros-Mercado
GEOG 67 FYS Politics of Everyday Life 9:05-9:55am MWF Smith
GEOG 89 FYS: Water in the Anthropocene 12:20-1:10 pm MWF DelVecchia
GEOG 110 The Blue Planet: Earth 12:30-1:45pm TR Taillie
GEOG 111 Weather and Climate 1:25-2:15pm MWF Konrad
GEOG 115 Maps 12:20-1:10pm MWF Arce-Nazario
GEOG 120(1)PWAD World Regional Geog 3:30-4:45pm TR Kirsch
GEOG 120 (2)PWAD World Regional Geog 4:40-5:30pm MWF Staff
GEOG 121 Geographies of Globalization 2:00-3:15pm TR Drummond-Cole
GEOG 130 Development and inequality 10:10-11:00am MWF Drummond-Cole
GEOG 141 Geography for Future Leaders 9:30-10:45am TR Havice/Riveros-Iregui
GEOG 212 ENV CONS Global Change 3:30-4:45pm TR Taillie
GEOG 215 Introduction to Spatial Data Science 2:00-3:15pm TR Delamater
GEOG 222 Health and Medical Geography 3:30-4:45pm TR Emch
GEOG 228 Urban Geography 1:25-2:15pm MWF Staff
GEOG 232 Agriculture-Food-Society 9:30-10:45am TR Drummond-Cole
GEOG 237 Natural Resources Forestry 10:10-11:00 am MWF Song
GEOG 240 Intro to EJ 11:00-12:15 TR Purifoy
GEOG 266 Society/Envir South East Asia 9:05-9:55 am MWF Lentz
GEOG 268 Geography of Africa 9:30-10:45am TR Rivers
GEOG 294 Beyond Sustainability 2:00-3:15pm TR Rivers
GEOG 295 Undergraduate Research TBA TBA Faculty
GEOG 296 Independent Study TBA TBA Faculty
GEOG 370 006 Intro to Geog Info 2:30-3:45pm MW Arce-Nazario
RECITATION 601 Recitation 12:20-1:10pm F Arce-Nazario
RECITATION 602 Recitation 2:00-2:50pm, R Arce-Nazario
GEOG 370 007 Intro to Geog Info 2:00-3:15pm TR Vina
RECITATION 701 Recitation 3:35-4:25pm M Vina
RECITATION 702 Recitation 12:20-1:10pm W Vina
GEOG 391 Quantita Methods 12:30-1:45pm TR Moody
GEOG 392 Research Methods in Geography 11:15-12:05 pm MWF Lentz
GEOG 435 Global Environmental Justice 11:15-12:05 MWF Allred
GEOG 437/ENEC XL Climate Change Vulnerability 9:30-10:45 am TR Gray
GEOG 441 Watershed Hydrology 12:30-1:45 pm TR Riveros-Iregui
GEOG 453(w/PWAD) Political Geog 12:30-1:45pm TR Kirsch
GEOG 460 Geographies of Economic Change 12:30-1:45 pm TR Havice
GEOG 477 Intro Remote Sens Env 9:30-10:45am TR Moody
GEOG 491 (w/PLAN) Intro to GIS 11:15-12:05 MWF Liang
RECITATION 601 Recitation 2:00-2:50pm T Liang
RECITATION 602 Recitation 3:35-4:25pm W Liang
GEOG 493 Undergrad Internship TBA TBA Faculty
GEOG 567 Geospatial Data Analysis GEE 11:00-12:15 TR Zhang
GEOG 591 Applied Issues in GIS 2:30-3:20pm MWF DelVecchia
GEOG 592 GISCI  Programming 9:05-9:55am MWF Liang
GEOG 691H Honors TBA TBA Faculty
GEOG 702 Geog Thought 3:35-6:35pm M Valdivia
GEOG 704 Communicating Geog 3:35-6:35pm M Wise
GEOG 803 Hum Env Res/Sem 3:30-4:45pm TR Gray
GEOG 804 Black Geographies 3:30-6:30pm T Purifoy
IDST 190 (III) Borders and Boundaries 9:05-9:55am MWF Gokariksel