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UNC Geography students promote solar in the Caribbean

October 12, 2016

UNC Geography’s Rebecca Chaisson and recent graduate James Ellsmoor are on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia this week promoting the use of solar energy. The project is part of an initiative by the nonprofit Solar Head of State, and is designed … Read more

Dr. Wise in Endeavors

August 26, 2016

Find the coverage of Dr. Erika from this link:

Dr. Smith receives National Science Foundation grant, “Impacts of Education-Driven Urban Migration on Youth Aspirations and Identity.”

August 10, 2016

Sara Smith (Principal Investigator). “Impacts of Education-Driven Urban Migration on Youth Aspirations and Identity” National Science Foundation Geography and Spatial Science Program Grant, BCS-1561072, ($250,000)2016-2019. Around the world, young individuals, especially those who are rural, first generation, indigenous, and racialized … Read more