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The department of Geography and Environment celebrates graduation on April 26.

Group photo taken in front of Carolina Hall

The following undergraduate students received awards:

1. McNally Award for Excellence in Geography: Amelia Jane Loeffler

2. Melinda Meade Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research: Senam Mwiza Yawo Adedze

Aaron Moody (Undergraduate Director), Senam Mwiza Yawo Adedze and Conghe Song (Department Chair)

.3. Douglas Eyre Award for Outstanding Leadership: Kristen Hannah Thrower

Kristen Hannah Thrower and Conghe Song (Department Chair)


4. Peter J. Robinson Award: Annabel Price Steiner

Aaron Moody (Undergraduate Director), Annabel Price Steiner and Conghe Song (Department Chair)

4. Stephen S Birdsall Award: Ana Paola Zurita Posas

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