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Dr. Riveros-Iregui and the UNC Carbonshed Lab have received a new grant from the National Science Foundation’s Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (FRES) Program, titled “From Peaks To Slopes To Communities, Tropical Glacierized Volcanoes As Sentinels of Global Change: Integrated Impacts On Water, Plants and Elemental Cycling.” This project is a collaboration among 10 different research groups with complementary and diverse expertise, 5 institutions in the U.S. (U of Minnesota, Penn State, Carnegie Mellon, Gustavus Adolphus College, and UNC), plus 4 institutions in Ecuador. Total award is $3M ($448K to UNC). Dates: 8/15/23 – 8/14/27.

The proposed work will take place on Cayambe and Antisana volcanoes in Ecuador.

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