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Colloquium Series: “I know what you did last summer”

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Department of Geography Colloquium Series: "I know what you did last summer" Come learn about your favorite geographers’ summer adventures. Geography undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will share photos and stories of their research, travel, and fun times. If … Read more

Senior Honors Thesis

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Kirsi Pauliina Kallio & Jouni Hakli

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Kirsi Pauliina Kallio & Jouni Hakli: "Political agency in vulnerable life situations: studying refugee political subjectivities"

Graduate Student Colloquium

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Graduate Student Colloquium: Mental Health First Aid Training

Dr. Tendai Chitewere

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Dr. Tendai Chitewere, San Francisco State University (Click link for CV.) Green Lifestyles and Consumption-based Environmentalism: critical lessons from an ecovillage A growing number of ecological cohousing communities, ecovillages, are attempting to model sustainable ways to live. These efforts concentrate environmentally … Read more

Dr. Ryan Emanuel

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Dr. Ryan Emanuel, NC State University

Dr. Eric Tate

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Dr. Eric Tate, U. of Iowa Title: "Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience to Floods" Abstract: Flood disasters are the most frequent and deadliest among natural hazards.  Designing and implementing sustainable solutions is somewhat of a wicked problem, due to the dynamic … Read more

Dr. Ian Baird

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Ian Baird (UW-Madison) Title: The Political Ecology of Cross-Sectoral Cumulative Impacts: Modern Landscapes, Large Hydropower Dams and Industrial Tree Plantations in Laos and Cambodia Abstract: Environmental and social impact assessment is now a widely accepted tool in the Mekong Region … Read more

Dr. Eric Delmelle

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Eric Delmelle (UNC-Charlotte)

Dr. Aaron Hipp

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Aaron Hipp (NCSU) Link to CV. Title: Spatial Energetics To address current obesity and inactivity epidemics, researchers have attempted to identify spatial factors that influence health behaviors. Technological and methodological developments have led to a revolutionary ability to examine dynamic, … Read more

Dr. Heather Randell

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Heather Randell (SYSYNC) Link to CV   TITLE: The impact of climate change on educational attainment: Evidence from the global tropics   ABSTRACT: Investments in education serve as an important pathway out of poverty, yet reduced agricultural productivity due to droughts … Read more

Dr. Amber Pearson

220 Carolina Hall Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Amber Pearson (Mich State U) Link to CV. Link to flyer TITLE Quantifying the health benefits of nature in cities   ABSTRACT The last decade has seen mounting evidence to suggest that the presence of natural environments in urban neighborhoods … Read more