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Geography major reports on a small island states’ controversial climate change adaptation strategy

January 19, 2016

As part of a larger senior thesis on small island states, climate change and innovation, geography major and Morehead-Cain scholar James Ellsmoor, has researched and reported on Kiribati’s move to purchase land in Fiji as a climate change adaptation strategy. After researching the purchase, visiting the land and interviewing local inhabitants, he reports on the complexity of climate change politics. His findings, which have been published in the …

Sarah Schmitt wins CUAHSI Pathfinder Fellowship

January 11, 2016

Ph.D. Student Sarah Schmitt just received the Pathfinder Fellowship in the amount of $5,000. The Pathfinder Fellowship is funded by CUAHSI, the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc., sponsored by NSF. This award will fund new, two-month field research in Ascension Island, a tiny dot on the tropical mid-Atlantic ridge almost equidistant from South America and Africa. Sarah works with Dr. Diego Riveros-Iregui an…

Dr. Riveros-Iregui publishes paper entitled “Landscape Position Influences Microbial Composition and Function via Redistribution of Soil Water across a Watershed”

January 1, 2016

… Du, Z., Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Jones, R.T., McDermott, T.R., Dore, J., McGlynn, B.L., Emanuel, R.E., and Li, X., (2015) Landscape Position Influences Microbial Composition and Function via Redistribution of Soil Water across a Watershed. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 8457-8468, doi:10.1128/AEM.02643-15. …

New research about indigenous livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Amazon

December 18, 2015

UNC researchers led by faculty members Clark Gray and Richard Bilsborrow have begun to release the findings from an 11-year study of indigenous livelihoods and demography in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Building on a household survey conducted with 500 indigenous households from five ethnicities in 2001, the team returned to re-interview the same households in 2012, creating a unique longitudinal dataset. The five study populations (the Cofán, Secoya, …