Publications Before 2010
Emch, M. E. (1999) Diarrheal Disease Risk in Matlab, Bangledesh. Social Science and Medicine 49, 519-530.
Ali, M., M. Emch, C. Ashley & P. K. Streatfield (2001) Implementation of a Medical Geographic Information Information System: Concepts and uses. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition 19, 100-110.
Ali, M., M. E. Emch, M. Tofali & A. H. Baqui (2001) Implications of Health Care Provision on Acute Lower Respiratory Infection Mortality in Bangladeshi Children. Social Science and Medicine, 52, 267-277.
Emch, M. E. 2001. The Human Ecology of Deforestation in Bangladesh. In Deforestation, Environment and Sustainabe Development: A Comparative Analysis ed. D. Vajpeyi, 71-90. Westpoint, Connecticut Praeger.
Emch, M. E. & M. Ali (2001) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Diarrheal Disease in Matlab, Bangladesh. Environment and Planning A, 33, 339-350.
Ali, M., M. Emch, J. P. Donnay, M. Yunus & R. B. Sack (2002) identifying Environmental Risk Factors for Endemic Cholera in Bangladesh. Health & Place, 8, 201-210.
Ali, M., M. Emch, J. P. Donnay, M. Yunus & R. B. Sack (2002) The Spatial Epidemiology of Cholera in an Edemic Area in Bangladesh. Social Science and Medicine, 55, 1015-1024.
Ali, M., M. E. Emch & J. P. Donnay (2002) Spatial Filtering Using a Raster Geographic Information System: Methods for Scaling Health and Environmental Data. Health & Place, 8,85-92.
Ali, M., M. E. Emch, M. Yunus & R. B. Sack (2002) Are the Environmental Niches of Vibrio Cholerae 0139 Different from those Vibrio Cholerae El Tor? International Journal of Infecious Disease, 5, 214-219.
Emch, M. E., A. Naheed & M. Ali. 2002. Tropical Disease. In Encyclopedia of Modern Asia eds. D. Levinson & K. Christensen. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Salim, M. D., T. Strauss & M. Emch (2002) A GIS-Integrated Intelligent System for Optimization of Asset Managment for Maintenance of Roads and Bridges Applied Artifical Intelligence, 628-637.
Ali, M., Y. Wagatsuma, M. Emch & R. F. Breiman (2003) Use of Geographic Infromation System for Defining Spatial Risk for Dengue Transmission in Bangladesh: Roles for Aedes Albopictus in an Urban Outbreak. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 69, 634-640.
Emch, M. E. (2003) The Human Ecology of Mayan Cacao Farming in the Toledo District, Belize Human Ecology 31, 111-131.
Emch, M. E. & M. Ali. 2003. Spatial Cluster Analysis for Etiological Research and Identification of Socio-Environmental Risk Factors. In Geographic Information Systems and Health Application eds. O. Khan & R. Skinner, 172-187. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing
Ali, M., M. Emch, L. v. Seidlein, M. Yunus, D. A. Sack, J. Holmgren, M. Rao & J. D. Clemens (2005) Herd Immunity Conferred by Killed Oral Cholera Vaccines in Bangladesh.Lancet, 366, 44-49.
Ali, M., J. K. Park, D. Thiem, L. v. Seidein, D. Canh, M. E. Emch & J. D. Clemens (2005) Neighborhood Size and Local Geographic Veriation of Health Events: Uisng Hartley’s Test of Homogeneity to Select Optimal Neighborhood Size. International Journal of Health Geographies 4.
Emch, M., J. Quinn, M. PetersonM & M. Alexander (2005) Forest Cover Change in the Toledo District, Belize from 1975-1999: A Remote Sensing Perspective. The Professional Geographer 57, 256-267.
Ali, M., P. Goovaerts, N. Nazia, M. Z. Haq, M. Yunus & M. Emch (2006) Application of Poisson Kriging to the Mapping of Cholera and Dysentery Incidence in an Endemic Area of Bangladesh. International Journal of Health Geographies, 5, 1-11.
Emch, M., M. Ali, M. Yunus, J. K. Park, D. Sack & J. D. Clemens (2006) Relationahip Between Neighborhood-level Killed Oral Cholera Vaccine Coverage and Pretective Efficacy: Evidence for Herd Immunity. International Journal of Epidemiology, 35, 1044-1050.
Emch, M. & M. Peterson (2006) Mangrove Forest Cover Change in Bangladesh Sundarbans from 1989-2000: A Remote Sensing Approach. Geocarto International 21, 5-12.
Martn, N. & N. Theodore. 2006. Planned Manufacturing Districts In Planning and Urban Design Standards ed. A. P. Association. Hoboken, NL: Wiley.
McGrath, S. & N. Martin. 2006. Unregulated Work: Is Enforcement the Next Battle in the Fight for Workers’ Rights? In Real World Micro: A Microeconomics Reader from Dollars & Sense eds. D. Fireside & C. Tilly, 41-44. Boston: Dollars & Sense
Theodore, N., N. Martin & R. Hollon (2006) Securing the City: Emerging Markets in the Private Provision of Security Services in Chicago. Social Justice 33, 85-100.
.Emch, M., M. Ali, M. Yunus, D. Sack, C. Acosta & J. D. Clemens (2007) Efficacy Calculation in Ramdomized Vaccine Trials: Golbal or Local Measures? Health & Place, 13, 238-248.
Martin, N., S. Morales & N. Theodore (2007) Migrant Worker Centers: Contending the Downgrading in the Low-Wage Labor Market. GeoJournal 68, 155-165.
Theodore, N. & N. Martin (2007) Migrant Civil Society: New Voices in the Struggle Over Community Development Journal of Urban Affairs, 29, 269-287.
Theodore, N., N. Martin & R. Hollon. 2007. Der öffentliche Sektor als Sicherheitsmarkt in Chicago In Kontrollierte Urbanität. Zur Neoliberalisierung städtischer Sicherheitspolitikeds. V. Eick, J. Sambale & E. Töpfer, 83-105. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
Wan, X.-F., G. Chen, F. Luo, M. Emch & R. Donis (2007) A Quantitative Genotype Alforithm Reflecting H5N1 Avian Influenza Niches. Bioinfomatics 23, 2368-2375.
Wan, X. F., X. M. Wu, G. LIn, S. B. Holton, R. A. Desmone, C. R. Shyu, Y. Guan & M. Emch (2007) Computational Identification of Reassortments in Avian Influenza Viruses.Avian Doseases, 51, 434-439.
Ali, M., M. Emch, M. Yunus, D. Sack, A. Lopez, J. Holmgren & J. Clemens (2008) Vaccine Protection of Bangladesh Infants and Young Children Against Cholera: Implications for Vaccine Deployment and Person-to-Person Trnasmission. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 27, 33-37.
Cordero-Guzman, H., N. Martin, V. Quiroz-Becerra & N. Theodore (2008) Voting with Their Feet: Nonprofit Organizations and Immigrant Mobilization American Behavioral Scientist, 52, 598-617.
Emch, M., M. Ali & M. Yunus (2008) Risk Areas and Neighborhood-level Risk Factors for Shigella dysenteriae 1 and Shigella flexneri: Implications for Vaccine DevelopmentHealth & Place, 14, 96-105.
Emch, M., C. Feldacker, M. S. Islam & M. Ali (2008) Seasonality of Cholera from 1974 to 2005: A Review of Global Patterns International Journal of Health Geographies, 7, 1-33.
Emch, M., C. Feldacker, M. Yunus, P. K. Streatfield, V. Thiem, D. Canh & M. Ali (2008) Local Environmental Drivers of Cholera in Bangladesh and Vietnam. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 78, 823-832.
Mena, C. F., S. J. Walsh & R. E. Bilsborrow (2008) Secondary Forest Succession in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: Interactions among People, Place, and Environment. Regional Environmental Change.
Wan, X.-F., T. Nguyen, C. Smith, Z. Zhao, M. Carrel, C. Davis, A. Balish, F. Luo, M. Emch, A. Klimov & R. Donis (2008) Evolution of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 avian Influenza Viruses in Vietnam Between 2001 and 2007. PLoS One, 3, 10.
Ali, M., M. Emch, M. Yunus & J. Clemens (2009) Modeling Spatial Heterogenity of Disease Risk and Evaluation of the Impact of Vaccinaion Vaccine, 27, 3724-3729.
Arévalo, E. B. & M. A. Ros-Tonen (2009) Discourses, power negotiations and indigenous political organization in forest partnerships: The case of Selva de Matavén, Colombia.Human Ecology, 37, 733-747.
Carrel, M., M. Emch, K. Streatfield & M. Yunus (2009) Spatio-temporal Clustering of Cholera: The Impact of Flood Control in Matlab, Bangladesh, 1983-2003. Health & Place, 15,771-781.
Cravey, A. J. (2009) Creating a cultural connection. Tar Heel Junior Historian, 49, 30-32.
DeFilippis, J., N. Martin, A. Bernhardt & S. McGrath (2009) On the Character and Organization of Unregulated Work in the Cities of the United States. Urban Geography, 30, 63-90.
Emch, M., M. Ali, E. D. Root & M. .Yunus (2009) Spatial and Environmental Connectivity Alalysis in Vaccine Trials Social Science and Medicine, 68, 631-637.
Hwang, T., L. Band & T. Hales (2009) Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Extending optimality theory from plot to catchment. Water Resource Research 45, 1-20.
Root, E. D., R. Meyer & M. Emch (2009) Evidence for Localized Clustering of Gastroschisis Births in North Carolina, 1999-2004. Social Science and Medicine, 68, 1361-1367.
Wan, X.-F., M. E. Emch & Z.-M. Zhao. 2009. Advances in Molecular Evolution of Influenza A Virus In Global View of the Fight Against Influenza, ed. P. M. Mitrasinovic. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.