2014 Publications
Abbott, J., J. L. Anderson, L. Campling, R. Hannesson, E. Havice, M. S. Lozier, M. D. Smith & M. J. Wilberg (2014) Steering the Global Partnership for Oceans. Marine Resource Economics, 29, 1-16.
Agrawal, A., E. Wollenberg & L. Persha (2014) Governing agriculture-forest landscapes to achieve climate change mitigation. Global Environmental Change, 29, 270-280.
Ahalt, S., L. Band, L. Christopherson, R. Idaszak, C. Lenhardt, B. Minsker, M. Palmer, M. Shelley, M. Tiemann & A. Zimmerman (2014) Water Science Software Institute: Agile and Open Source Scientific Software Development. Computing in Science & Engineering, PP, 1-1.
Antonia, A. L., S. M. Taylor, M. Janko, M. Emch, A. K. Tshefu & S. R. Meshnick (2014) A Cross-Sectional Survey of Plasmodium falciparum pfcrt Mutant Haplotypes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 90, 1094-1097.
Baird, T. D. & C. L. Gray (2014) Livelihood Diversification and Shifting Social Networks of Exchange: A Social Network Transition? World Development, 60, 14-30.
Band, L., J. McDonnell, J. Duncan, A. Barros, A. Bejan, T. Burt, W. Dietrich, R. Emanuel, T. Hwang & G. Katul (2014) Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrology, 7, 1073-1078.
Breckheimer, I., N. M. Haddad, W. F. Morris, A. M. Trainor, W. R. Fields, R. JOBE, B. R. Hudgens, A. Moody & J. R. Walters (2014) Defining and evaluating the umbrella species concept for conserving and restoring landscape connectivity. Conservation Biology, 28, 1584-1593.
Brewington, L., Frizzelle, B.G., Walsh, S.J., Mena, C.F. Sampedro, C. . (2014) Galapagos Marine Reserve: A Social-Ecological System. In Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment: Challenges and Opportunities in the Galapagos Islands, ed. J. V. Denkinger, L., 109-136. Springer Science & Business Media.
Campling, L. & E. Havice (2014) Indispensable Ocean: Charting Tentions between Principle and Practice (Steering the Global Partnerships for Oceans) Marine Resource Economics 29, 1-16.
Campling, L. & E. Havice (2014) The problem of property in industrial fisheries. Journal of Peasant Studies, 41, 707-727.
Carrel, M., J. J. Eron Jr, M. Emch & C. B. Hurt (2014) Spatial Epidemiology of Recently Acquired HIV Infections across Rural and Urban Areas of North Carolina. PloS one, 9, e88512.
Carrel, M., J. Patel, S. M. Taylor, M. Janko, M. K. Mwandagalirwa, A. K. Tshefu, A. A. Escalante, A. McCollum, M. T. Alam & V. Udhayakumar (2014) The geography of malaria genetics in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A complex and fragmented landscape. Social Science & Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.037.
Carter, R., S. J. Walsh, C. Jacobson & M. L. Miller (2014) Global Change and Human Impact Challenges in Managing Iconic National Parks. George Wright Forum, 31, 245-255.
Casas-Cortes, M., S. Cobarrubias & J. Pickles (2014) ‘Good neighbours make good fences’: Seahorse operations, border externalization and extra-territoriality. European Urban and Regional Studies, 0969776414541136.
Cash, B. A., X. Rodó, M. Emch, M. Yunus, A. S. Faruque & M. Pascual (2014) Cholera and shigellosis: different epidemiology but similar responses to climate variability. PloS one, 9, e107223.
Chen, X., A. Viña, A. Shortridge, L. An & J. Liu (2014) Assessing the Effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services: an Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Ecology and Society, 19, 7.
Cheng, X., B. Wei, G. Chen, J. Li & C. Song (2014) Influence of Park Size and Its Surrounding Urban Landscape Patterns on the Park Cooling Effect. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. DOI:10.1061/ (ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000256 , A4014002.
Cortes, M. C., S. Cobarrubias & J. Pickles (2014) Good Neighbors Make Good Fences: Operation Seahorse and the Implementation of the EU Strategy of Migration Routes Management in North and West Africa. Journal of European Urban and Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1177/09697764145411
Cravey, A. (2014) Value in Marx: the Persistence of Value in a More‐Than‐Capitalist World By George Henderson Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013. Economic Geography, 90, 113-114.
Cravey, A. J. & M. Petit (2014) Media Pedagogy in Action: The Making of The Virgin Appears in La Maldita Vecindad. Journal of Geography, 113, 68-77.
Davis, C. A., A. S. Ward, A. J. Burgin, T. D. Loecke, D. A. Riveros-Iregui, D. J. Schnoebelen, C. L. Just, S. A. Thomas, L. J. Weber & M. A. St Clair (2014) Antecedent Moisture Controls on Stream Nitrate Flux in an Agricultural Watershed. Journal of environmental quality, 43, 1494-1503.
Donadelli, M. & L. Persha (2014) Understanding emerging market equity risk premia: Industries, governance and macroeconomic policy uncertainty. Research in International Business and Finance, 30, 284-309.
Du, F., A. Zhu, L. Band & J. Liu (2014) Soil property variation mapping through data mining of soil category maps. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10383.
Escamilla, V., M. Emch, L. Dandalo, W. Miller, F. Martinson & I. Hoffman (2014) Community Level Sampling Using Google Earth Satellite Imagery and Geographical Methods in the Absence of a Demographic Surveillance System. . Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 92:690-694.
Escamilla, V., M. Emch, L. Dandalo, W. C. Miller, F. Martinson & I. Hoffman (2014) Sampling at community level by using satellite imagery and geographical analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92, 690-694.
Fuhrmann, C. M., C. E. Konrad, M. M. Kovach, J. T. McLeod, W. G. Schmitz & P. G. Dixon (2014) Ranking of Tornado Outbreaks in the United States and their Climatological Characteristics Weather and Forecasting, 29, 684-701.
Fussell, E., L. M. Hunter & C. L. Gray (2014) Measuring the environmental dimensions of human migration: The demographer’s toolkit. Global Environmental Change, 28, 182-191.
Gökarıksel, B. & A. Secor (2014) The Veil, Desire, and the Gaze: Turning the Inside Out. Signs, 40, 177-200.
Gray, C., E. Frankenberg, T. Gillespie, C. Sumantri & D. Thomas (2014) Studying Displacement After a Disaster Using Large-Scale Survey Methods: Sumatra After the 2004 Tsunami. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 594-612.
Gray, C. L. & R. E. Bilsborrow (2014) Consequences of out-migration for land use in rural Ecuador. Land use policy, 36, 182-191.
Han, L., C. H. Bien, C. Wei, K. E. Muessig, M. Yang, F. Liu, L. Yang, G. Meng, M. E. Emch & J. D. Tucker (2014) HIV self-testing among online MSM in China: implications for expanding HIV testing among key populations. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 67, 216-221.
Hwang, T., L. E. Band, C. F. Miniat, C. Song, P. V. Bolstad, J. M. Bose & J. P. Love (2014) Divergent Phonological Response to Hydroclimate Variability in Forested Mountian Watersheds. Global Change Biology, 20, 2580-2595.
Jennings, J. & C. Gray (2014) Climate Variability and Human Migration in the Netherlands, 1865-1937. Population and Environment. 1-24
Jossart-Marcelli, P. & N. Martin. (2014) Migrant Civil Society: Shaping Community and Citizenship in a Time of Neoliberal Reforms. In Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the United States, eds. S. N. Haymes, R. Miller & M. V. d. Haymes. London: Routledge.
Kirsch, S. (2014) Cultural geography II Cultures of nature (and technology). Progress in Human Geography. 38: 691-702.
Kirsch, S. (2014) Insular territories: US colonial science, geopolitics, and the (re) mapping of the Philippines. The Geographical Journal. DOI:10.1111/geoj.12072
Knox, P., C. Fuhrmann & C. Konrad (2014) Challenges and Opportunities for Southeast Agriculture in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from State Climatologists. Southeastern Geographer, 54, 118-136.
Kovach, M. M. & C. E. Konrad (2014) The spatial distribution of tornadoes and high wind impacts associated with inland-moving tropical cyclones in the southeastern United States. Physical Geography, 35, 245-271.
Lan, T., J. .Pickles & S. Zhu (2014) State Regulation, Economic Reform, and Worker Rights: The Contingent Effects of China’s Labour Contract Law. Journal of Contemporary Asia 1-28.
Lentz, C. C. (2014) The king yields to the village? A micropolitics of statemaking in Northwest Vietnam. Political Geography, 39, 1-10.
Li, R., X. Rui, A.-X. Zhu, J. Liu, L. E. Band & X. Song (2014) Increasing detail of distributed runoff modeling using fuzzy logic in curve number. Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-9.
Liang, L. L., D. A. Riveros-Iregui, R. E. Emanuel & B. L. McGlynn (2014) A simple framework to estimate distributed soil temperature from discrete air temperature measurements in data-scarce regions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 407-417.
M.G. Ryan, J. M. V., P. J. Hanson, L.R. Iverson, C.F. Miniat, C.H. Luce, L.E. Band, S.L. Klein, D. McKenzie, D.N. Wear. (2014) Ch. 3 in Climate Change and United States Forests Advances in Global Change Research. In Forest Processes, ed. J. M. V. D.L. Peterson, T. Patel-Weyn, 25-54.
M.P. Ayres, J. A. H., B.K. Kerns, D. McKenzie, J.S. Littell, L.E. Band, C.H. Luce, A.S. Weed, C.L. Raymond. (2014) Ch 4. Climate Change and United States Forests Advances in Global Change Research. In Forest Processes, ed. J. M. V. D.L. Peterson, T. Patel-Weyn, 55-92.
Malanson, G. P., A. M. Verdery, S. J. Walsh, Y. Sawangdee, B. W. Heumann, P. M. McDaniel, B. G. Frizzelle, N. E. Williams, X. Yao & B. Entwisle (2014) Changing crops in response to climate: Virtual Nang Rong, Thailand in an agent based simulation. Applied Geography, 53, 202-212.
Martin, N. (2014) Food Fight!: Immigrant Street Vendors, Gourmet Food Trucks, and the Differential Valuation of Creative Producers in Chicago. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38, 1867-1883.
Martin, N. (2014) Spaces of Hidden Labor: Migrant Women and Work in Nonprofit Organizations. Gender, Place, and Culture, 21, 17-34.
Martin, N. & D. Crawford (2014) The Transnational Project and its Implications for Migrant Civil Society in Bangladesh. Mobilities, 9, 294-313.
Martin, N. & P. Joassart-Marcelli. (2014) Shaping Community and Citizenship in a Time of Neoloberal Reforms. In Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the United States, eds. S. N. Haymes, R. Miller & M. E. d. Haymes. Routledge.
Mayer, F. W. & J. Pickles. (2014) Governance and Implications for Decent Work in Apparel Global Value Chains. In Toward Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apperal Global Value Chains, eds. A. Rossi, A. Luinstra & J. Pickles, 17-39. Geneva and London: Palgrave Macmillan and International Labour Organization.
Miller, M. L., R. B. Carter, S. J. Walsh & S. Peake (2014) A Conceptual Framework for Studying Global Change, Tourism, and the Sustainability of Iconic National Parks. George Wright Forum, 31, 256-269.
Mills, A. & B. Gökarıksel (2014) Provincializing Geographies of Religion: Muslim Identities Beyond the ‘West’. Geography Compass, 8, 902-914.
Mueller, V., C. Gray, and K. Kosec (2014) Heat stress increases long-term human migration in rural Pakistan. Nature Climate Change, 4(3), 182-185.
Olson, E. (2014) Ethics. In The Sage Handbook of Human Geography ed. R. Lee.
Patel, J. C., S. M. Taylor, P. C. Juliao, C. M. Parobek, M. Janko, L. D. Gonzalez, L. Ortiz, N. Padilla, A. K. Tshefu & M. Emch (2014) Genetic evidence of drug-resistant malarial strain from the democratic republic of the congo imported to guatemala. Emerging infectious diseases, 20, 932-940.
Perez‐Heydrich, C., M. G. Hudgens, M. E. Halloran, J. D. Clemens, M. Ali & M. E. Emch (2014) Assessing effects of cholera vaccination in the presence of interference. Biometrics, 70, 731-741.
Persha, L. & K. Andersson (2014) Elite capture risk and mitigation in decentralized forest governance regimes. Global Environmental Change, 24, 265-276.
Pizzitutti, F., C. F. Mena & S. J. Walsh (2014) Modelling Tourism in the Galapagos Islands: An Agent-Based Model Approach. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 17, 14.
Rossi, A., A. Luinstra & J. Pickles. (2014) Conclusion. In Towards Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains, eds. A. Rossi, A. Luinstra & J. Pickles, 276-285. Geneva and London: Palgrave Macmillan and International Labour Organization.
Rossi, A., A. Luinstra & J. Pickles. 2014. Introduction. In Towards Better Work: Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains, eds. A. Rossi, A. Luinstra & J. Pickles, 1-14. Geneva and London: Palgrave Macmillan and International Labour Organization.
S., K. (2014) War and Peace. In Introducing Human Geographies, ed. P. C. P Cloke, M Goodwin, 542-555. London and New York: Routledge.
Smith, A., J. Pickles, M. Buček, R. Pástor & B. Begg (2014) The political economy of global production networks: regional industrial change and differential upgrading in the East European clothing industry. Journal of Economic Geography, 14, 1023-1051.
Smith, M. D., F. Asche, L. S. Bennear, E. Havice, A. J. Read & D. Squires (2014) Will a catch share for whales improve social welfare? Ecological Applications, 24, 15-23.
Smith, S. (2014) Intimacy and angst in the field. Gender, Place & Culture, 1-13.
Smith, S. (2014) Intimate Territories and the Experimental Subject in Ladakh, India. Ethnos, 79, 41-62.
Song, C., Y. Zhang, Y. Mei, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, Q. Zhang, T. Zha, K. Zhang, C. Huang, X. Xu, P. Jagger, X. Chen & R. Bilsborrow (2014) Sustainability of Forests Created by China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: A comparison among three sites in Anhui, Hubei and Shanxi. Forest Policy and Economics, 38, 161-167.
Tan NX, Tan GX, Yan L, Yang B, Powers KA, Emch ME, Tucker JD (2014) Temporal Trends in Syphilis and Gonorrhea Infections in Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 209 (3): 426-430.
Valdivia, G., W. Wolford & F. Lu (2014) Border Crossings: New Geographies of Protection and Production in the Galápagos Islands. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 686-701.
Vincett, G., E. Obinna, E. Olson & A. Adogame. (2014) Christianity in the Modern World: Changes and Controversies. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Walsh, S. J., R. B. Carter, S. Lieske, D. Quiroga & C. F. Mena (2014) Examining Threats to Iconic National Parks through Modeling Global Change, Biocomplexity, and Human Dynamics. George Wright Forum, 31, 311-323.
Walsh, S. J. a. M., C.F. (2014) Book Series Preface, Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos Islands. In In Galapagos Marine Reserve: A Social-Ecological System, ed. J. V. Denkinger, L., vii-viii. Springer Science & Business Media.
Winston, J., R. Meyer & M. Emch (2014) A Geographical Analysis of Compositional and Contextual Risk Factors for Hypospadias Births. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 100(11):887-894.
Wise, E. K. (2014) Tropical Pacific and Northern Hemisphere influences on the coherence of Pacific Decadal Oscillation reconstructions. International Journal of Climatology, 7.
Wise, E. K. & M. P. Dannenberg (2014) Persistence of pressure patterns over North America and the North Pacific since AD 1500. Nature communications, 5.DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5912
Wise, E. K., M. L. Wrzesien, M. P. Dannenberg & D. L. McGinnis (2014) Cool-Season Precipitation Patterns Associated with Teleconnection Interactions in the United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.54(2): 494-505, DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-14-0040.1.
Wu, J., M. Yunus, P. Streatfield & M. Emch (2014) Association of climate variability and childhood diarrhoeal disease in rural Bangladesh, 2000–2006. Epidemiology and infection, 142, 1859-1868.
Zhang, Y., C. Song, K. Zhang, X. Cheng, L. E. Band & Q. Zhang (2014) Effects of land use/land cover and climate changes on terrestrial net primary productivity in the Yangtze River Basin, China, from 2001 to 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, 1092-1109.
Zhang, Y., C. Song, K. Zhang, X. Cheng & Q. Zhang (2014) Spatial–temporal variability of terrestrial vegetation productivity in the Yangtze River Basin during 2000–2009. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7, 10-23.
Zhou, L., Y. Tian, R. B. Myneni, P. Ciais, S. Saatchi, Y. Y. Liu, S. Piao, H. Chen, E. F. Vermote, C. Song & T. Hwang (2014) Widespread decline of Congo rainforest greenness in the past decade. Nature, 509, 86-90.
Zhu, S. & J. Pickles (2014) Bring in, Go up, Go West, Go out: Upgrading, Regionalisation and Delocalisation in China’s Apparel Production Networks. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 44, 36-63.
Updated on June 1, 2015