2011 Publications
Ali, M., M. Emch, J. K. Park, M. Yunus & J. Clemens (2011) Natural Cholera Infection-derived Immunity in an Endemic Setting. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204, 912-918.
Arnold, D. & J. Pickles (2011) Global work, surplus labor, and the precarious economies of the border. Antipode, 43, 1598-1624.
Barrientos, S., F. Mayer, J. Pickles & A. Posthuma (2011) Labour standards in global production networks: Framing the policy Debate. International Labour Review 150, 299-318.
Carrel, M., V. Escamilla, J. Messina, S. Giebultowicz, J. Winston, M. Yunus, P. K. Streatfield & M. Emch (2011) Increased Tubewell Density Decreased Diarrheal Disease Risk in Rural Matlab, Bangladesh: A Zero-inflated and Geographically Weighted Analysis. International Journal of Health Geographics, 10, 10-41.
Carrel, M., X.-F. Wan, T. Nguyen & M. Emch (2011) Genetic Variation of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses in Vietnam Shows Both Species-Specific and Spatiotemporal Associations. Avian Diseases 55, 659-666.
Casas Cortes, M., S. Cobarrubias & J. Pickles (2011) Stretching Borders Beyond Sovereign Territories? Mapping EU and Spain’s Border Externalization Policies. Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 2, 71-90.
Chen, X., M. N. Peterson, V. Hull, C. T. Lu, G. D. Lee, D. Y. Hong & J. G. Liu (2011) Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China. Environmental Conservation, 38, 45-52.
Cobbarrubias, S., M. C. Cortes & J. Pickles (2011) An interview with Sandro Mezzadra. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29, 584-598.
Costanza, J. K. & A. Moody (2011) Deciding where to burn: Stakeholder priorities for prescribed burning of a fire-dependent ecosystem. Ecology and Society, 16, 14.
Costanza, J. K., A. Moody & R. K. Peet (2011) Multi-scale environmental heterogeneity as a predictor of plant species richness in the Southeast Coastal Plain, USA. Landscape Ecology, 26, 851-864.
Cravey, A. & G. Valdivia (2011) Introduction to special issue on Carolina del Norte: Geographies of Latinization in the South. The Southeast Geographer 51, 213-226.
Emanuel, R. E., D. A. Riveros-Iregui, B. L. McGlynn & H. E. Epstein (2011) On the Spatial Heterogeneity of Net Ecosystem Production in Complex Landscapes. Ecosphere 2, 13.
Emch, M. & M. .Carrel. 2011. Neighborhoods and Environmental Determinants of Infectious Diseases. In Encyclopedia Health ed. J. O. Nriagu, 64-71. Burlington Elevier
Escamilla, V., B. Wagner, M. Yunus, P. K. Streatfield, A. v. Geen & M. Emch (2011) Impact of Deep Tubewells on Childhood Diarrhea in Banglade. Bulletin of World Health Organization, 89, 521-527.
Flint, C. & S. Kirsch. 2011. Conclusion. In Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies, eds. S. Kirsch & C. Flint, 315-320. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashagte Publishing
Fuhrmann, C. M., C. E. Konrad, M. Kovach & D. J. Perkins (2011) The August 2007 Heat Wave in North Carolina: Meteorological factors and local variability. Physical Geography32, 217-240.
Geen, A. v., K. M. Ahmend, Y. Akita, M. J. Alam, P. J. Culligan, J. Feighery, A. S. Ferguson, M. Emch, V. Escamilla, P. Knappett, A. C. Layton, B. J. Mailloux, L. D. McKay, J. L. Mey, M. Serre, P. K. Streatfield, J. Wu & M. Yunus (2011) Fecal Contamination of Shallow Tubewells in Bangladesh Inversely Related to Arsenic. Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 1199-1205.
Giebulowicz, S., M. Ali, M. Yunus & M. Emch (2011) The Simultaneous Effects of Spatial and Social Networks on Cholera Transmission. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 6.
Giebultowicz, S., M. Ali, M. Yunus & M. Emch (2011) A Comparison of Spatial and Social Clustering of Cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh. Health & Place, 17, 490-497.
Gray, C. (2011) Soil Quality and Human Migration in Kenya and Uganda. Global Environmental Change 21, 421-430.
Hennessy, E. & A. L. McCleary (2011) Nature’s Eden? The production and effects of ‘pristine’nature in the Galapagos Islands. Island Studies Journal, 6, 131-156.
Heumann, B. W., S. J. Walsh & P. McDaniel (2011) Assessing the Application of a Geographic Niche-Based Model for Crop Suitability Mapping in Northeast Thailand. Ecological Informatics 6, 257-269.
Hopkins, P., E. Olson, R. Pain & G. Vincett (2011) Mapping intergenerationalities: the formation of youthful religiosities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36,314-327.
Hull, V., W. H. Xu, W. Liu, S. Q. Zhou, A. Vina, J. D. Zhang, M. N. Tuanmu, J. Y. Huang, M. Linderman, X. Chen, Y. Huang, Z. Y. Ouyang, H. M. Zhang & J. G. Liu (2011) Evaluating the efficacy of zoning designations for protected area management. Biological Conservation, 144, 3028-3037.
Hwang, T., C. Song, P. V. Bolatad & L. E. Band (2011) Downscaling real-time vegetation dynamics by fusing multi-temporal MODIS and Landsat NDVI in topographically complex terrain. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 2499-2512.
Hwang, T., C. Song, J. M. Vose & L. E. Band (2011) Topography-mediated controls on local vegetation phenology estimated from MODIS vegetation index. Landscape Ecology, 26,541-556.
Kalkbrenner, A., J. Daniels, M. Emch, J. Morrissey, C. Poole & J.-C. Chen (2011) Geographic Access to Health Services and Autism Diagnosis. Annals of Epidemiology, 21, 304-310.
Kaushal, S., P. Groffman, L. Band, E. Elliott, E. Shields & C. Kendall (2011) Tracking nonpoint source nitrogen pollution in human-impacted watersheds. Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 8225-8232.
Kirsch, S. 2011. Object Lessons: War and American Democracy in the Philippines. In Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies eds. S. Kirsch & C. Flint, 203-225. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing
Kirsch, S. 2011. Laboratory/Observatory. In The Sage Handbook of Geographical Knowledge, eds. J. Agnew & D. Livingstone, 76-87. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing
Kirsch, S. & C. Flint. 2011. Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing
Kirsch, S. & C. Flint. 2011. Introduction: Reconstruction and the Worlds that War Makes. In Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies, eds. S. Kirsch & C. Flint, 3-28. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashagte Series
Knappett, P., V. Escamilla, A. Layton, L. D. McKay, M. Emch, D. Williams, M. R. Huq, M. Farhana, M. J. Mailloux, A. Ferguson, G. S. Sayler, K. M. Ahmed & A. v. Geen (2011) Impact of Sanitation on Fecal Bacteria and Pathogens in Ponds of Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment, 409, 3174-3182.
Li, J., C. Song, L. Cao, F. Zhu, X. Meng & J. Wu (2011) Impacts of lanscape structure on urban head lslands: A Case Study of Shanghai, China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115,3249-3263.
Mason, S. M., J. S. Kaufman, J. L. Daniels, M. E. Emch, V. K. Hogan & D. A. Savitz (2011) Black Preterm Birth Risk in Non-Black Neighborhoods: Effects of Hispanic, Asian, and Non-Hispanic White Ethnic Densities. Annals of Epidemiology, 21, 631-638.
— (2011) Neighborhood Ethnic Density and Preterm Birth Across Seven Ethnic Groups in New York City. Health & Place, 17, 280-288.
Mena, C. F., S. J. Walsh, B. G. Frizzelle & G. P. Malanson (2011) Land Use Change of Household Farms in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Design and Implementation of an Agent Based Model. Apllied Geography, 31, 210-222.
Messina, J. P., S. M. Taylor, S. R. Meschnick, A. Linke, A. K. Tshefu, B. Atua, K. Mwandagalirwa & M. Emch (2011) Population, Behavioral and Environmental Drivers of Malaria Prevalence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Malaria Journal, 10, 1-11.
Moody, A. (2011) Connecting landscapes for biodiversity: Habitat conservation on and around DoD lands. Endangered Species Bulletin, 36, 18-29.
Mumba, D., E. Bohorquez, J. Messina, V. Kande, S. M. Tayor, A. Tshefu, J. Muwonga, M. K. Mwandagalirwa, M. Emch, R. Tidwell, P. Büscher & S. R. Meshnick (2011) Prevalence of Human African Trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5, e1246.
Pacific, V. J., B. L. McGlynn, D. A. Riveros-Iregui, D. L. Welsch & H. E. Epstein (2011) Landscape Structure, Groundwater Dynamics, and Soil Water Content Influence Soil Respiration across Riparian-Hillslope Transitions, Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana. Hydrological Processes 25, 811-827.
Persha, L., A. Agrawal & A. Chhatre (2011) Social and Ecological Synergy: Local Rulemaking, Forest Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation. Science 331, 1606-1608.
Pickles, J. & A. Smith (2011) Delocalization and Persistence in the European Clothing Industry:The Reconfiguration of Trade and Production Networks. Regional Studies 45, 167-185.
Reyburn, R., D. R. Kim, M. Emch, A. Khatib, L. v. Seidlein & M. Ali (2011) Climate Variability and Outbreaks of Cholera in Zanzibar, East Africa: A Time Series Analysis.American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 84, 862-869.
Reyes, A. & M. Kaufman (2011) Sovereignty, indigeneity, territory: Zapatista autonomy and the new practices of decolonization. South Atlantic Quarterly, 110, 505-525.
Riveros-Iregui, D. A., J. Hu, S. P. Burns, D. R. Bowling & R. K. Monson (2011) An Inter-Annual Assessment of the Relationship between the Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Ecosystem Respiration and Climate in a High Elevation Subalpine Forest. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, 1-15.
Riveros-Iregui, D. A., B. L. McGlynn, L. A. Marshall, D. L. Welsch, R. E. Emanuel & H. E. Epstein (2011) A Watershed-Scale Assessment of a Process Soil CO2 Production and Efflux Model. Water Resource Research, 47, 1-12.
Root, E. D. & M. E. Emch. 2011. Regional Environmental Patterns of Diarrheal Disease in Bangladesh: A Spatial Analytical and Multilevel Approach. In Geospatial Analysis of Environmental Health, eds. J. A. Maantay, S. McLafferty & R. R. Jensen, 191-204. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Root, E. D., S. Giebultowicz, M. Ali, M. Yunus & M. Emch (2011) The Role of Vaccine Coverage Among Social Networks in Cholera Vaccine Efficacy. PLoS One, 6, e22971.
Root, E. D., R. Meyer & M. Emch (2011) Socioeconomic Context and Gastroschisis: Exploring Associations at Various Geographic Scales. Social Science & Medicine 72, 625-633.
Shao, Y., G. N. Taff & S. J. Walsh (2011) Comparison of Early Stop Criteria for Neural Network- Based Sub-Pixel Classification. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8, 113-117.
Shao, Y. & S. J. Walsh (2011) Shadow Detection and Building Height Estimation using IKONOS Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32, 6929-6944.
Smith, S. (2011) ‘She says herself,“I have no future”’: love, fate and territory in Leh District, India. Gender, Place, Culture, 18, 455-476.
Song, C., J. M. Gray & F. Gao. 2011. Remote Sensing of Vegetation with Landsat Imagery. In Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications,ed. Q. Weng. CRC Press.
Song, C., B. White & B. Huemann (2011) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Salinity Stress on Red (Rhizophora mangle) and White (Laguncularia racemosa) Mangroves on Galapagos Islands. Remote Sensing Letters 2, 221-230.
Tan, N., J. Messina, L.-G. Yang, B. Yang, M. Emch, X.-S. Chen, M. Cohen & J. D. Tucker (2011) A Spatial Analysis of County-level Variation in Syphilis and Gonorrhea in Guangdong Province, China. PloS One, 6, e19648.
Taylor, S. M., A. v. Eijik, C. C. Hand, M. K. Mwandagalirwa, J. Messina, A. Tshefu, B. Atua, M. Emch, J. Muwonga, S. R. Meshnick & F. t. Kuile (2011) Quantification of the Burden and Consequences of Pregnancy-associated Malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204, 1762-1771.
Taylor, S. M., J. P. Messina, C. C. Hand, J. J. Juliano, J. Muwonga, A. K. Tshefu, B. Atua, M. Emch & S. R. Meshnick (2011) Molecular Malaria Epidemiology: Mapping and Burden Estimates for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2007. PLoS One 6, 1-9.
Thoyre, A. (2011) Social capital as a facilitator of pro-environmental actions in the USA: a preliminary examination of mechanisms. Local Environment, 16, 37-49.
Valdivia, G. (2011) Coca’s Haunting Presence in the Agrarian Politics of the Bolivian Lowlands. Geojournal 77, 615-631.
Valdivia, G., J. Palis & M. Reilly (2011) Borders, Border-Crossing and Political Art in North Carolina. The Southeast Geographer, 51, 287-306.
Vina, A., X. Chen, W. J. McConnell, W. Liu, W. H. Xu, Z. Y. Ouyang, H. M. Zhang & J. G. Liu (2011) Effects of Natural Disasters on Conservation Policies: The Case of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China. AMBIO, 40, 274-284.
Walsh, S. J. & D. J. Weiss. 2011. Solifuction. In Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, eds. V. P. Singh, P. Singh & U. K. Haritashya. Springer
Wen, J., A. v. Deen, K. M. M. Matin, Y. Akita, M. J. Alam, P. J. Culligan, V. Escamilla, J. Feighery, A. S. Ferguson, P. Knappett, B. J. Mailloux, L. McKay, M. Serre, P. K. Streatfield, M. Yunus & M. Emch (2011) Increase in Diarrheal Disease Associated with Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh. PloS One, 6, e29593.
Wise, E. K. (2011) Incorporating climatological techniques to improve tree-ring site selection in complex terrain. Tree-Ring Research 67, 51-56.
Wu, J., M. Yunus, P. K. Streatfield, A. v. Geen, V. Escamilla, J. Akita, M. Serre & M. Emch (2011) Impact of Tubewell Access and Depth on Childhood Diarrhea in Matlab, Bangladesh. Environmental Health, 10, 1-12.