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Gupta, Gokariksel, and Smith publish an article that analyzes how the Indian state employs the narrative of saving Muslim women for masculinist state- and territory-making

October 2, 2020

Pallavi Gupta, Banu Gökarıksel, and Sara Smith, 2020. “The politics of saving Muslim women in India: Gendered geolegality, security, and territorialization,” Political Geography, volume 83, Part of special issue: Security, violence, and mobility: The embodied and everyday politics of … Read more

2020 GIS Day Map Contest

September 29, 2020

  The deadline is Nov. 13 noon, 2020. You can submit digital maps, or online maps (URLs) via this link.  The best three maps will be decided by a panel of GIS specialists. Students who create the best three maps … Read more