Geography major Sarah Followill receives the G. Herbert Stout Award and will present at NC GIS conference on March 9th. Below is her presentation abstract:
Atlanta, Georgia’s urban infrastructure is continuously expanding, covering an increasingly alarming amount of what was, for the most part, previously vegetation. To examine this phenomenon, Followill has built a project to demonstrate recent trends of urban sprawl in the Atlanta Metro Area from 2010-2019. The project consists of a website that Followill built, featuring interactive elements that allow users to compare qualitative and quantitative urbanization and population density data side by side to highlight increasing sprawl in Atlanta. Inspired by the resource SocialExplorer, this website improves upon data delivery by adding a more interactive temporal component and showing both vector density maps and raster satellite imagery simultaneously. The project was the first place winner of UNC Chapel Hill’s 2022 GIS Map Day Competition.