Dr. Delamater is part of a multidisciplinary team that will develop a novel, comprehensive place-based measure of naloxone availability to document disparities in naloxone access. The team will work with a diverse advisory board to create the new naloxone availability measure. Then they will combine primary data collected from a phone audit of community pharmacies and surveys of NC’s naloxone distribution organizations with secondary insurance claims data to comprehensively document sources of naloxone by ZIP code. The team will estimate racial and geographic disparities in naloxone availability and identify how social and community factors, such as community-level social segregation and drug-related arrests, affect disparities in naloxone availability. The NIH is providing four years of funding towards this project for a total of 2.4 million dollars.https://pharmacy.unc.edu/2022/11/unc-pharmacy-professor-receives-2-4m-grant-from-nih-to-increase-access-to-naloxone/
Dr. Delamater is co-investigator on 2.4M grant to study access to naloxone
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