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On 29 March 2018, students in Prof. Lentz’s GEOG 232 “Agriculture, Food, Society” visited UNC’s Campus Community Garden. In conversation with director Claire Lorch and two volunteers, we learned about the garden’s agricultural practices, community participation, and food distribution program. More broadly, the survey course explores the production, circulation, and consumption of food resources and agricultural commodities over the long term, from ancient Mesopotamia through the American encounter with Europe and up to the present. By placing food systems in their social and ecological contexts, we learn how they influence and are influenced by broader economic, cultural, and political forces. Grounded in environmental history, political-economy, and agrarian studies, we investigate the historic making of our daily diet and explore how we might cultivate healthier choices.

Students in Prof. Lentz’s GEOG 232 “Agriculture, Food, Society” visit Carolina’s Campus Community Garden.


Students in GEOG 232 “Agriculture, Food, Society” and Prof. Lentz (in cap) weed a bed at Carolina’s Campus Community Garden.


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